2006 >> March >> Winter Colors  

Winter Colors
Reprinted from "Crown Jewels of the Wire", March 2006, page 19

"HI, this is Lindsay Kartye and I would like to
Thank You
for the wonderful
insulator you gave me.
My mom and I will enjoy it a lot,
since we don't have a CD like it."

Lindsay contributed to the "Kids Korner" articles in 2005, and received the California CD 166 pictured above to thank her for her efforts. We invite kids to take pictures of their insulators and send them to us for publication.

In "Kids Korner" this month (pages 22 through 24), Powell Brown and Elliott Miller investigate a mystery find.

For kids and adults, we continue to invite you to send in stories of new finds, hunting tales, lost lines, or research you've conducted. Coming up in the next few months will be stories about the meaning of the "S.F" embossing found on some insulators, about Paisley insulators, and also about C.E.W. ponies.

Keep your contributions coming. We all appreciate it.

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